Lake Victoria Basin Water Information System

General information

Project title: Consultancy Service for Establishment of the Lake Victoria Basin Water Information System (Phase 2)
Client: Deltares, Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC)
Location: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
Project duration: 2022 - 2023
Key characteristics: Talsim, Delft-FEWS

Project description

The Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC), through the Lake Victoria Basin Integrated Water Resources Management Programme (LVB IWRMP) is developing a Water Information System that can both serve as a database to store and display water quantity and quality information, and can be linked to simulation models.

The general purpose of the planned Lake Victoria Basin Water Information System (LVB-WIS) is to support policy measures and local investment decisions for the long-term sustainable development of the Lake Victoria Basin. Use of the LVB-WIS will result in increased awareness, better informed problem analysis and increased support for investment decisions. The LVB-WIS concept consists of a database platform linked with IWRM models. The built-in Knowledge Hub provides access to relevant IWRM data, maps, publications, literature and other information.

The LVB-WIS shall have two major building blocks (frameworks): the Nile Basin Decision Support System (NB DSS), and Delft-FEWS. Besides this, external simulation models (e.g. for water quality, flooding, drought) will be linked to the LVB-WIS.

One of the linked models is a Talsim-NG rainfall-runoff model of the Lake Victoria basin, which can be run from within the LVB-WIS for carrying out historical simulations or hydrological forecasts.


  • Rainfall-runoff modelling with Talsim-NG
  • Integration of Talsim-NG into Delft-FEWS
  • Capacity building
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