Coordinated operation of cascade dams in the Nile Basin

General information

Client: Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office, Nile Basin Initiative
Location: Egypt, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda
Project duration: 07/2017 - ongoing
Key characteristics: Nile, cascade dams, optimization of operation rules, water resources management

Project description

This project is a direct follow-up of the Roadmap for Coordinated Operation of Dams in Eastern Nile and aims at generating options or scenarios of coordinated operation of dams (existing and planned). Optimal configuration of dams in the Nile Basin, optimal coordinated operation rules and associated trade off / benefit matrix are established. The outcome is a range of options that would help Nile basin countries in their deliberations on how best to manage their shared water resources in a manner that minimizes risks and maximizes their mutual benefits.


In a first phase, activities comprise:

  • Assessment of current situation concerning the needs and objectives of the countries.
  • Development of an updated database of storage dams in the Nile basin
  • Assessment of existing and planned water resource development and management plans
  • Establishment of baseline (current condition) operation of dams including a performance metrics for evaluating options.

The second phase refines the assessment for existing dams in order to:

  • develop further the Nile basin water resources model
  • concretise options for coordinated operation of existing dams in the Nile basin

The third and final phase includes planned dams.

Several consultation meetings and workshops with member countries were held.


  • Data management
  • Hydrological modelling and assessments
  • Communication with the member countries
  • Workshops and consultations
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